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"Create a beautiful and powerful user interfaces."
indir.biz Editor: A nice and powerful Heapar Basic Library allows you to create user interfaces. Libraries that CategoryButtons occurs. NET to create applications that allow a group of buttons control С #. CategoryButtons control groups can be combined CategoryButtonsPanel control. User controls currently in effect get the necessary command, you can open any number CategoryButtons. See below for how to search screen looks like.

CategoryPanels. NET Controls in one place for the group panel gives you permission. Any number of panels can be opened or when the user to display certain features turned off. User can open or get certain features available only in the form required for the panel off.

Select the color you want to ColorSelector a graphic panel that is beautiful. These graphics programs or other situations where user needs to select the background color for the front and can be used. The following example ColorSelector screenshot.
Is used as a common HeaparGrid. NET component that look. Grid is possible to enter text directly into cells. Strings and associated objects using grid control designed to facilitate. Presentation of data in the table HeaparGrid has full control.

Resizer control a specific customer area divided into two resizable field is used to. Image at the bottom of a form used to create three resizable field shows the differential control. Resizer control is easier to make because it's a container. Not
Display and acts as TabManager a TabControl control. NET. More extensible and more flexible TabManager features customable to create an interface. Some interesting features of control are:

can place any control on the edge of the tabs:, right, bottom left or top edge.
To check the program pages can hide the tabs. you. NET 1.1 now can download free Heapar Basic Library.

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